
Damian Hinds against TAG Farnborough expansion

New analysis undertaken by aviation experts at Lasham Gliding Club demonstrates the extent to which the proposed expansion of TAG Farnborough airport would mean more air traffic and more noise over East Hampshire towns, villages and countryside.

Micro power generation at Alton firm Powertraveller

Damian Hinds has praised local firm Powertraveller for their innovative work in personal micro power generation. The Alton firm’s product range includes long-life battery storage packs, hand-held solar panels weighing from just 88g, wind-up dynamo batteries and portable mini wind turbines.

Damian Hinds seeks resolution for Bordon Vodafone customers

Damian has contacted the Chief Executive of the Vodafone Group, Vittorio Colao, to ask that measures be taken to try to resolve the ongoing signal issues that are being experienced by Vodafone mobile customers in Bordon.

£2m for East Hants primary school sports

Damian Hinds has welcomed the news that between 2014 and 2020 primary schools in East Hampshire will receive just over £2m to fund primary school sports.  

Saving East Hampshire's pubs

Damian Hinds called for a new type of partnership between pubs and licensees in an effort to reduce the number of pub closures in a debate in Parliament this week. 

Damian backs payday loan cap

The Chancellor has announced that the government will introduce legislation to cap the cost of payday loans.