A new hospital for Hampshire

Damian spoke at an Adjournment debate on the future of healthcare in Hampshire.  He pressed on the government’s plans for the new Basingstoke hospital, especially important for residents in and around Alton and Four Marks. Speaking at the time, Damian said: "we must have no further delays; the minister’s answer was fairly encouraging". 


Darzi report signals change ahead for the NHS

Lord Darzi’s report into the NHS landed with great fanfare recently.  It did feel rather like the first stage in a ‘pitch rolling’ exercise at the end of which may be some major changes.  It is a pretty scathing review of the health service which complements a narrative from ministers

Damian Hinds slams hospital delay

The following statement was issued today:  Damian Hinds spoke out today about the government’s plans to put the new hospital for North Hampshire on hold.